Monday, November 9, 2009

The Holiness of Vande Mataram

My wife thinks I am an over-confident and brash busybody. Perhaps I need to try to change the way I come across. That, however, is not what this blog is about. But it is related.

Assuming that I am opinionated about everything under the sun, she asks me what I think of the Deoband Muslim seminary meet that asks Muslims to stop singing Vande Mataram because it is anti-Islamic. The context of course, is that she thinks that I am unpatriotic and do not love my country. The evidence she cites to support her theory, is my opinion that our country has failed both naxalite-supportive communities and Muslims.

Therefore she is surprised when I say that I have not thought about the issue deeply enough.But as soon as I say that I have not thought about this issue, the gears of my mind begin to turn inadvertently. I begin to think aloud - my wife providing bored audience. Here goes my boring case.

In examining this case, we need to sepeate the idea of the National Song from the National Song itself and try to understand what is it that the Seminary opposed. Secondly, we also need to examine whether the form of protest that the Seminary adopted was appropriate.

The idea of a National Song is separate from the specific lyrics and music that make the Song. An analogy is how Motherhood or the idea of Mothering, is distinct from the specific person who is the Mother. There may be faults with a Mother, or a Mother may even be selfish just as Caylee Anthony's Mother in the US was. However, the idea of Motherhood, the ideals that it embodies is quite separate and noble. More importantly, one or two bad Mothers are irrelevant to the ultimate nobility of the institution of Motherhood. The same of a National Song.

The idea of a National Song is like a symbol of nationhood, a symbol that binds us together. Surely, that should be more important than the specific words and music, which is merely the form (not the idea) of the National Song? There can be no doubt that the idea of the National Song is sacrosanct. However, the form - the specific words or lyrics - was afterall created by a human. Therefore, the form of our National Song is as fallible as an human is. Therefore, if it was the form that the Deoband Semiary opposed we really have little right to be critical of their opposition. This is what the case appears to be - the spirit of the Seminary's criticism seemed to be aimed not to the idea of the National Song but to specific lyrics that said that the country is worth worshipping. To that extent I think that the Seminary's opposition is justified. The Seminary even released a statement saying that they love the country but they don't they should be asked to worship it. Point taken.

However, was the form of opposition that the Seminary chose, justified?

The mode of opposition that the Seminary chose was to issue a Fatwa. That is where I believe the Seminiary erred. If I love my Mother, and if I think that one of her actions or one of her forms is something I am opposed to, do I issue a Fatwa against her actions? Do I ask my siblings to rebel at those actions of hers? Therein lies the problem with the what the Seminary did.
What would be the best course of action for someone who loves his Mother, but is opposed at a specific action or form of hers? Perhaps, my first step should be to go and tell her that. I would ask her to change that form or action. If she still continued to do it, I would ask her again. If it did not stop, I would likely tell her that I loved her very much but I would not bear that action or that form and I will likely ask my siblings to oppose it to. Only if all that failed would I take recourse to open rebellion.

The Deoband Seminary's opposition is justified, but the form of opposition they choose could lead people to mistakenly believe that they think that they are a law unto themselves. That is not only dangerous in a family, but also in our country.

Instead, might I request the Deoband Seminary to take a loving approach to their Motherland? Here is what that approach might look like...

Step 1. Write to the Prime Minister that Muslims love their Motherland, and that Muslims abide by the need to have a common National Song that Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, Jains, Jews and others can sing proudly. However, the current National Song has phrases that seem to create a needless conflict between their love for Islam and love for India. Explain the reasons for wanting the change. Ask the Prime Minister if he could ask a few eminent constitutional experts to look at this issue.

Could India consider changing those specific lines or phrases? Or as an alternative could India consider asking a genius of a lyricist (perhaps Gulzar) and genius of a musician (Rehman) to create a new National Song altogether?

Step 2. If six months have gone by, and the Prime Minister has not responded, send him a reminder and ask him to reconsider the request.

Step 3. If 12 months go by since the initial request, and still nothing has been done - write another letter clarifying that the Seminary is upset at the Prime Minister's lack of responsiveness on a matter of principle for them. Mention that if he does not engage, they would be forced to consider options of resolving the situation on their own.

Step 4. If 18 months go by, and there is still no response from the Prime Minister - consider demonstrating in front of the parliament just like any of the millions of citizen groups demonstrate when they are not being listened to.

If still nothing happens - there can be several other ways. Influence a National Debate; get the most prolific Muslim speakers and get them to take up the cause on National TV.
If nothing else works. Threaten you will issue a Fatwa. But for the sake of mere decency, don't issue the Fatwa in the first or second step.

As soon as she has heard this, Tanu (my wife) sighs. "You've got to have an opinion on everything, don't you?" I get up from our lunch table embarrassed and somewhat introspective. In her own mind, I am quite certain I have reinforced the image of the brash, over-confident busybody. I just lost the war.


  1. Well your wife is 100% right.You need to look at all the data.
    Do you know what is islam?.Do you know what is written in Quran. Do you know that Quran is basically a terrorist manual?
    Check the partition of india book by B R Ambedkar
    The book is available in
    the check the videos of robert spencer in youtube on Islam and go and visit Jihadwatch website.
    You knowledge is lacking at deeper level and i have read your blogs.. Yep you are one of those who go through a path and some certification and think that they know everything..
    check the data and the links which i gave you and then think that may be what you have been taught your life was all fraud in terms of HISTORY OF INDIA.

  2. Mrinal, you make too much sense. Keep them coming.
